No Medications ● No Surgery ● No Knee Replacement ● No Down Time


Dear Knee Pain Sufferer, My name is Dr. bing You, and my team of highly trained healthcare clinicians and I offer a NEW, Non-Invasive, and Non-Surgical Knee Relief Therapy protocol that combines the best of cutting edge medical treatments to not only help resolve your chronic knee pain but also rehabilitate and stabilize the knee as well. We’ll know during this first visit and more importantly YOU WILL know whether or not our unique Knee Pain Relief program is going to help you or not! If we can help you we will let you know and if we cannot help you we will be glad to make a referral. Either way, we guarantee you answers!
VITAL COMPONENT #1: WE ONLY USE THE BEST TECHNOLOGY At WeMed Health, we believe you shouldn’t have to suffer from joint pain. Our extensive training, unique approach, and highly specialized therapies give our patients a huge advantage in regaining their active and normal lives. Our Knee Pain Relief Therapy technology we use is the best available and many other doctors don’t want to invest the kind of money it takes for the best equipment.
VITAL COMPONENT #2: ADVANCED CUSTOMIZED TREATMENT PLANS An important part of the long-term success of our Knee Pain Relief System and is our commitment to creating a unique treatment plan that will maximize your results. A plan will be customized specifically for you.

Patient Results

knee before
Before Meeting Dr. Bing You – No enamel
knee after
After Meeting Dr. Bing You – enamel built